Here is a list of interesting resources and links for PhDs.
This list will be updated as we get new suggestions. Please write us at contact(-at-)

Science News and Blogs

Nature blogs  –  A variety of topics including job advice and current challenges in research
In the pipeline  – Derek Lowe’s commentary on drug discovery and the pharma industry
Neurophilosophy – Mo Costandi, a developmental neurobiologist
The Primate Diaries – Notes on science, politics, and history from a primate in the human zoo
Terra Sigillata – David J Kroll’s blog on a variety of topics
Not exactly rocket science – National Geographic
Grad Hacker – The Center for Humane Arts, Letters and Social Sciences
James Hayton PhD – Advice for grad students and writing
Thesis Whisperer – A  blog dedicated to the topic of writing a thesis
Bad Science – A blog by Dr. Ben Goldacre about unpicking the misuse of science and statistics by journalists, politicians, quacks, drug companies, and more
Signals – Stem cells and regenerative medicine
Fierce Pharma – News about the pharma industry

Job Advice for PhDs and Postdocs

Cheeky Scientist – Resource for PhDs looking to go into industry
Career Education – Resources from Columbia University for your job search
UNC Chapel Hill – Resources from UNC Chapel Hill for your job search
PhDs at work – A network of PhDs working across industries
Pay Scale – Find out how much you should get paid
AAAS Career Development – Career development advice – Database of over 4900 doctoral programs
University of Kent – Source for different science jobs

Job Search Websites

University Jobs – Find university jobs
Chronicle Vitae – Academic jobs
The Science Jobs – Find science jobs
Jobmanji – USA based job search
Adzuna – Find jobs in various countries (Website country specific; .de vs .uk)
Experteer – Job search database (can cost money)
Stepstone – Job search database


Freakonomics  –  Host Stephen Dubner has surprising conversations that explore the riddles of everyday life and the weird wrinkles of human nature
Radiolab –  It covers all kinds of interesting topics, guided by its central theme of scientific curiosity

Useful Research Tools

Semantic Scholar  – Alternative search engine to
Antibodypedia –  A searchable resource reporting primary data, publications, and commentary on publicly available antibodies
Statistics for Biologists – A resource about stats for researchers from Nature

Things to do in Tübingen

Rock Climbing  –  B12, Paul Horn-Arena, Uni Sport
Freibad – Public swimming pool
Movie theater – various and often available in English or the original language