
The Neuromag is a science-focused magazine created by graduate students in Tübingen, Germany. Our intention is to create a magazine that is interesting for scientists and non-scientists alike. We hope that you enjoy it!


The Magic of NeNa 2018

The 19th annual NeNa conference organized by Tübingen’s junior neuroscientists featured three keynote lecturers and three days of magic-inspired illusions and perception. This year’s NeNa conference attracted 58 participants from as far as Mexico and Read more…

Prometheus Science

Prometheus Science has a crystal clear goal in mind: To spread the availability of science and education by creating affordable scientific-grade equipment. These tools will empower people to interact with their environments around them, as Read more…

The Cybathlon

On October 8th, 2016, about a dozen people sat in an auditorium in Zürich and raced each other purely with their thoughts. Hooked up to various computers and sensors, they used their brain activity to Read more…

NeNa 2016

In past years NeNa has always been that conference where young scientists go to have a good time, all the while engaging in the usual scientific activities, such as presenting posters, giving talks and attending Read more…

A Book Review

A review of Impossibility: The Limits of Science and the Science of Limits by John D. Barrow In our academic and professional lives as young scientists, we are encouraged to memorise facts and to focus on Read more…


FinchesWhat are birds? Just wind-up toys, given a tickle by the cherubic sun, off to set their clockwork tumbling? And we eat it up rhapsodic, study their ineffable blood and guts in labs, with cavernous Read more…


The leaves wore the sun like a dress, elegant and fitting. Their crisp outlines were recreated by the water, or perhaps a painter, intricately melding the warm autumn palate together. I let my fingers drag like Read more…

Get in touch

​Do you feel passionate about a neuroscience topic that people should also be aware of?

Do you find yourself talking about science topics with friends at the bar?

Do you have career advice for young scientists?

Do you enjoy writing?

We invite you to tell us about your idea!

We are also looking for people who would like to contribute to the magazine in an artistic way with photos, drawings, comics or creative design ideas. If you would like to see your artistic work featured in the Neuromag then hit us up via the form here!

Contact Us